Tag Archives: church


This poem comes as a result of thinking about how Saint Peter was never perfect but Jesus chose him nevertheless.

Willing but unreliable
Faith petering out.

Willing and confident.
No longer petrified.

At the end of June/beginning of July every year across the world, thousands of people are ordained as Christian ministers. It is timed to coincide with St Peter’s day which is the 29th June. Jesus gave his apostle, Simon, the nick-name Peter – Rocky if you like. Peter was the first person to state out loud that Jesus is the Messiah i.e. one specially chosen by God. There’s more to it than that: Good Friday, Easter and Pentecost were yet to happen but Peter was going in the right direction. There were ups and downs on the way and Peter was not entirely reliable to say the least, but he meant well. Eventually Peter was seen to be the first among equals when, inspired by the Holy Spirit, the Church took on Jesus’ mission out to the whole world. Successors to Peter have been doing so ever since.

Almighty God, renew and increase your Spirit in each one of us. Inspire all those who preach the gospel with courage and give them all the spiritual gifts that they need. We pray in Jesus’s name. Amen.