Hey June!

The other Sunday I went to a different church to usual. I was going to an evening service in my usual patch and did not have transport to go anywhere else in the morning. That other church is within walking distance – my walking distance, that is. You might have heard of couch to 5k; well, I’ll be lucky with couch to 500m – that’s metres, not miles!

When I say different church, I mean a different denomination with different traditions. At least we share the same Bible, if not the same translation. And crucially, the same Jesus Christ! I did not recognise any of the hymns/songs but there was enough repetition to be able to join in eventually. I don’t expect to attend regularly as I am quite content in my current church home. It was nice to see some of our neighbours there.

One thing I took from that experience, is how much I enjoy filling my lungs and singing loudly to praise God. There is some of that in my home church but not often. So, as much for my benefit as anyone else’s, I have made a little Songs of Praise playlist, which I share below.

Lord of my heart, give me a vision to inspire me, that working or resting, I may always think of You. Lord of my heart, give me light to guide me, that, at home or abroad, I may always walk in Your way. Amen.
(Celtic Daily Prayer p535)

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